Three Nights Running

Over the past three nights I have had three sessions with various Aneros models as follows:

On Sunday night I used my recent favourite model, the Helix. With this, I had what I would class as my best session to date. Almost as soon as it was inserted, light PC contractions drove me immediately into the most delicious response of continuous waves of pleasure, from which I had some difficulty coming down! The significant difference from all previous sessions was the fact that the process continued without a break for well over an hour. In fact I was beginning to wonder if my heart would be able to withstand the strain if I continued any longer.

On Monday, I was keen to build on last night’s progress and decided to take another punt on my Eupho which had given me so much pleasure the last time I had used it. Preparation was exactly the same as last night and my expectations were well rewarded. As soon as I got into bed, slight contractions kicked off strong response waves, which continued without interruption for almost an hour and a half. As before, movement of the Eupho seemed more than the Helix, so I would rate the night’s session marginally even better than the previous night.

Another step

So it seems that I've moved on from what I was doing with rubbing my penis lightly during my Aneros sessions to achieve dry-O's. It was a useful experience. But now I find that it is too much of a distraction from the prostate sensations. And in my more current sessions seemed to become too much like edging.

So my last session I did not do any penis stimulation, and just concentrated on the prostate and energy sensations while deep breathing and relaxing as much as possible. I would hold that slight voluntary PC contraction that hits the sweet spot of pleasure on the prostate, and concentrate on growing that sensation through putting my attention on it, and also thinking really exciting fantasies.

I had enough moderate success with it to think it is a good path to follow for a while. No orgasms. But really nice pleasure that I liked. And there was very little distraction from sensations in my penis as it hardly even got erect at all. Which thankfully did not give me any desire to stimulate it. I felt my prostate swell with arousal quite a bit. And it was a much more calm session. Less movement, more concentration on relaxing. Very meditative like. Even though I still had smaller involuntary anal contractions occurring. I can now understand what other users have mentioned about interfering with the process by contracting to hard. As I noticed that as I held that slight PC contraction, as the pleasure increased, it was far to easy to unknowingly contract harder, which seemed to have the effect of making the pleasure disappear. That was difficult to be aware of and not do. It will take some practice.


i never have time for 2 sesions in the same day, but when the oppurtunity presented itself i had to try . i am so glad i did!!! after having the best O i ever had, i was able to go back into the same routine and have a few more pretty strong O's. this second time was far more quicker since i had already warmed myself up earlier. the waves started faster and i was able to have my first super O in about 20 min. i cannot believe how far i have come in the past few months. it is the by far the most amazing feeling i have ever experienced with a sex toy. i really can't call it a toy it's more of a sex enhancer plaything. i especially enjoy the feeling i have after a session. once i remove the aneros my body still feels like it's still there, and the contractions that come and go long after my sessions are very pleasing. i might have to go and check on my aneros make sure it's where i left it……

monday's aren't so bad anymore

well been thinking about having a session all day but didn't think i had the time. so i went for it and sure enough i had my strongest o. i think for me the longer i think about it the better the session is. this super o lasted longer than any other i have experienced. my body has learned and tuned itself to the aneros. believe me it took me 6 mos to reach wear i am now , but it was well worth the wait. my sessions are 45 min to an hour so i can have one pretty much anytime. in fact i think i'm gonna go try one more time for the hell of it…..

Best session so far!


This was my best session I have had so far. This was my 6th session, and I was kind of detached from my Helix after my previous session. This was due to the fact that I was really scared of my heart rate going very rapidly, some new intense sensations, and the fact that my mother and her friend are sleeping next to my room.

So this session I had it really planned out. First I asked some Aneros members about their experience and how they dealt with those factors I gave. I realized that I would have to embrace the new sensations and should continue my journey, because, well, it was great so far!

So today was my big day and I woke up at 10:30 am and started making my preparations for the session. I was kind of cold, so I thought it would be a good idea to put on my sun bed and get warmed up. After this I did some bowel and also got a nice hot shower. I experienced that the P-tab was sort of making an annoying pressure on the perineum area the last sessions, so I decided to take some toilet paper and put it under the P-tab. My next preparations were taking some olive oil and to power up my laptop. This may sound strange, but I always make sure my door is locked whenever I have a session, even though I’m the only one in the house. But I don’t have a key, so I must improvise, I stack some books and on top a baseball bat to hold the door handle from going down. These factors make it possible for me to be as relaxed as possible, so now I was ready to get this thing going!

The right fantasy counts the most! ;)

Ok people…
I just had the most amazing Aneros session. 😀

But let me step back a moment in time today. When I woke up this morning I was feeling kind of frisky from a dream. So I figured I might try an Aneros session. Helix first, which never felt comfortable. (I'm starting to think that maybe I've gotten used to how a particular Aneros model feels in me.) So after a bit I removed that, and inserted the Progasm. I just didn't have much results at all. And noticed that I wasn't having a lot of success with the sexual fantasy thing. So it was probably a pretty short session.

Fast forward to later in the day…
I decided to look at some porn for the heck of it on the Internet. I read some erotic stories first, and then looked at some pictures. But it was the stories that really got my imagination going, and my prostate was feeling really, really excited. So this one story really effected me, I read it three times and it excited the hell out of me each time. So I quickly shut off my computer and went to my bed to have an Aneros session with my Progasm. My GOD!!! Many wonderful dry-O's were to be had! Both from rubbing my penis, and some from not. Although the ones without penis rubbing were still low in pleasurable sensations, but still good to experience. Anyways, after many dry-O and probably mini-O's, I edged just a bit too much rubbing my penis, and ejaculated a little bit. So I figured, what the hell, I haven't ejaculated since last Sunday. So it's been about four days. Well let me tell you that was the most amazing super-T and ejaculate spawned orgasm I can ever remember having. The intensity was really, really high! But what really got my attention was the duration felt like a long time! I remember thinking maybe about halfway through it, I can't believe I'm still orgasming! LOL 😀 And then I looked down and saw the biggest pool of cum on my belly I think I've ever seen! Good God! I feel very relaxed, calm, and happy at the moment. What an experience!

Super E/Super Erection, a new term

Shouldn’t “Super Erection” be a new Aneros term in the Wiki given to the unique erections caused by the Aneros and Peridise models?

So many guys from the Aneros forum that I have chatted with describe the erections they get from the Aneros and all say they’ve never had and never have an erection as hard and in that certain manner when they use the Aneros. Some say you can get the “skin-busting” erections from edging as well but I don’t think they ever reach the degree of getting one when using the Aneros. It’s like the internal pressure on some part of the penis causes an “invisible penis pump.” It’s like an untied balloon that inflates and deflates at a fast rate with the slightest pressure or loss of pressure from the device depending on the anal/rectal contractions.

In the Wiki they mentioned one of the milestones as the penis becoming rock hard, the glans and corona flaring out more than usual and the color of the glans becoming a purplish-red hue and shiny in appearance. That was the old definition, now they just sum it up as a “rock hard erection.” I think they should have kept the former description.


Ok, so I found out tonight that I was able to repeat the multiple dry-O experience many times again! Yeah! 😀 Although I think because I did not wait a day in between sessions, the orgasms didn't seem quite as intense. But they were still enjoyable. So I didn't super-T this time. And no ejaculate came out at all, but a heck of a lot of pre-cum much like last time. I also noticed much like last time, that I got very hot and sweaty during the session as soon as I started orgasming. Again, there were some orgasms that definitely felt like I was edging and had to stop rubbing my penis otherwise I probably would have ejaculated. But other times were I could rub it right through the orgasm with no problems. I'm no longer sure about the correlation I made between being erect making me more likely to ejaculate while rubbing my penis. It didn't seem to be the case this time around.

In hindsight I probably should have used a smaller Aneros than the Progasm, as I was a little sore from the previous days session, and it seemed like when I got really aroused and during orgasm that my prostate swells so large as to interfere with the movement of the Progasm. But once again, perhaps that was more of a problem because I didn't give myself a days rest in between Aneros sessions. I'm not entirely sure about this. But I will experiment as I remember.

Making progress!

So I think that I am making some progress towards achieving super-O's. And thought it would be prudent to post my experience and thoughts just after my Aneros session. I was inspired to have a session without looking at porn prior, and just knowing that my body was ready and/or accepting of an Aneros session by Cockadoodle's new thread.

Not that I personally think that porn is bad for you. But it was more of just learning to trust that I could be, and/or make myself aroused without it. So I went into this session not particularly aroused, somewhat tired, and at the tail end of recovering from a hangover headache. Certainly not the best circumstances to go into an Aneros session. So I was quite surprised with the results.

Now the funny thing is, is that what I did during this session goes completely against Cockadoodle's penis not philosophy. For some time now I've not been a strict follower of rules with Aneros play. As I've found that following my pleasure is more important. Although I have for the most part in the last few months adhered to the no penis touching during an Aneros session, and practicing ejaculation abstinence to increase arousal.

The reading I've done here in the forums has shown that other users have success achieving super-O's with different techniques. Woodsman's thread is a good example of that.

Return of the Eupho

The night before last, after a break of a week (for reasons which I do not need to go into here), I had the best session ever with my Helix.

Almost as soon as I had got into bed, the P waves began with very little effort from me. The session involved about four periods, each of at least half an hour, consisting of continuous strong P waves. Again I was experiencing the phenomenon of the Helix driving the process once it had begun. The intervals between the periods of waves, I was so relaxed that I could feel myself dozing off. To recommence a period of waves, all that was required was the application of a few mild PC and/or sphincter muscle contractions. The session only ended when I became conscious of the need for sleep.

Last night, I decided to try the Eupho again for the first time in a month. Preparation was exactly as for the previous night, (about 4ml Shea butter formula and light lubrication of the Aneros) followed by insertion of the Eupho just before going to bed. Within minutes of applying a few light PC contractions, I could feel the Eupho forcing me to make a firm PC contraction, which continued for at least the next ten minutes without letup. This was accompanied by a series of strong P waves, and eventually including a shaking of both legs. The process continued as it did the previous night.