“A 20-Minute Anal F**k”

Sorry again for the vernacular, but that is exactly how this felt. I think it is well over a month since my last Aneros session and I felt like I was long overdue. I was not very aroused in the early AM but I felt the need for a Peridise adventure. So I grabbed the smaller version and began the session. It lasted about 40 minutes. I am always amazed at the level of anal stimulation which can be achieved with this small device. I could sense it moving slowly in and out as it should do. After the 40-minutes were up, I felt better but still needed something more. So I decided between PS-NEW and Helix Classic and the Helix won!


I continued with Boy Butter since I was already lubed-up. The Helix went in so easily and—-OMG!—went to work immediately on my prostate. I had the feeling of a Dry-O (or two or three) IMMEDIATELY and I felt the need to muffle my moans (and quiet screams) almost from the start. I have the unmistakable feeling of a prostate ‘warmth’ and tension that comes with an orgasm. But my penis remained flaccid. It was literally non-stop for 20 minutes. It felt like an anal fuck. I felt the need to do some STRONG contractions. When I did these, and released, I had the auto-fuck contractions take over. OMG! The Helix is fucking me non-stop and is blowing my mind! (No exaggeration: I am feeling like I am being fucked out of my mind!) Sorry again for the expletives, but that is how I felt.

“Would I Recognize A Prostate Orgasm If I Tripped Over It?”

I kind-of backed-into this session quite by accident. Here are the details as I remember them……

I was up not too early and since it was a beautiful night (very cool for July) I decided to catch a few winks on my favorite couch. [I just had a BM so I decided to lay-down, just relax and perhaps do a few contractions.] I began to do the slightest ‘whisper’ contractions and ‘thought’ contractions as I have done in the past. This felt really good; I kept it up for a while, realizing that I am again heading to an Aless ‘nirvana-like’ state once again. After a while, however, I began to feel a strange sensation like a prostate-horniness and an overpowering ‘fantasy-sequence’ that I am preparing myself for penetration by my male lover. I don’t know where this came from but it felt so real. So I ‘positioned’ myself on the couch for the rendezvous and waited. As I re-positioned myself on my right side, I suddenly felt an overpowering prostate quivering like I remember all-too-well from my Aneros sessions. It was a prostate orgasm! Perhaps a Dry-O (or two!) OMG! My entire body spasmed as it sometimes did during a Super-O! I can’t stop these orgasms now and I am completely blown away! I can only stay in position (I felt paralyzed with pleasure) and let these feelings wash-over me. How long did this last? Not really sure, but I think it was at least an hour.

Still here and still letting Aneros use me any way it wants

Hey guys. I have neglected my Aneros family for way to long. I’m still riding and still having full body orgasm frequently. I’m writing this today to inform you all on a new way i ride my toys. I usually just lay on my back with my hands stroking my nipples an letting the toy do its job. But i saw a masturbation video of a guy on his side with his cock and balls slid between his legs an he rocked back ad forth til he had a beautiful full body wet orgasm. I was amazed ad turned on by this to the point i wanted to try it myself. But wondered how different it will be with a toy tapping my prostate.

So I cleaned out got on my side ad slid my cock and balls between my legs as I saw in the video. My cock is long but my thighs had a tight grip on them an they were not gonna come from beneath my legs. It was a funny feeling but it turned me on to the point of already having erect nipples. They have been very active lately to the point that if i don’t rub them once a day they ache in anticipation. So with me just being on my side i quickly started to have mini-o’s. I breathed them through and they felt amazing. So that gave me the green light to insert my progasm ice.

First Blog

My first massager was the Helyx Syn bought 6 months ago. Although I feel I have made great strides with my 3-4 weekly sessions, I have yet to achieve the Dry-O and Super-O levels. Even being at the level i am, I feel I am way ahead even if this is all I would ever get from my Aneros experience. I feel better, I discovered feelings I never knew I had before and from a health point of view, I feel younger than my 61 years of existence. I wake up in the middle of the night far less to urinate and far more to feel a huge erection. Great!

Yesterday, I bought a Progasm Ice which I will road test tonight. I like the Helyx Syn for what it does but I feel I crave a little more direct contact with my prostate. I might love it or toss it back into it’s box in favor of my first friend. I will post progress updates.

“Short Refractory Period?”

Following just one day after my Super-T, I thought things would ‘settle-down’ for at least a couple of days. NOT! Things were hot and heavy with my wife this AM (quite unexpectedly but very intensely arousing). I didn’t climax but came really close. Following a nice swim, and entering this blog, I now have an amazingly STRONG anal/prostate pulsing which is blowing my mind! I thought there would at least be a refractory period during which time I would be at the ‘bottom’ of the arousal mountain! NOT AGAIN! I am actually going into erection mode just with some simple, easy kegels. What is going on here?

It is as if my body is in tune for a greater frequency of arousal and is rewarding me with unimaginable pleasures!

I realize now that this was a ‘tantric sex’ session without climax. It started slowly but continued to build. It could have gone on longer but we ran out of time after about an hour.

PS: Had to lie down. Still experiencing anal/prostate pulsing. OMG! Experiencing at least three Dry-O’s in succession (with moaning).


“Helix, How High Can I Go?”

I was already greatly-aroused. Following a “tantric” cuddling session with my wife, I retired with a nice hard erection. I was awakened in the very early AM still aroused and checked-out some erotic music, sexual arousal hypnosis and binaural beats for about two hours. Guys, I was feeling it and was in desperate need of a session!


I quickly lubed-up the Helix (this is the one my body wanted) and took my time inserting it. I got it in only half-way and let my body take over the rest of the way. It took about 2 minutes overall (very nice!) I got onto my right side position and began very light contractions. Surprisingly, I did not have any auto-contractions this ride. However, I began to feel an almost immediate pleasure, almost like a “quiet ache” that seemed to intensify quickly. I began to practice a “new” technique for me which I don’t remember doing before: I did a fairly slow, strong contraction and HELD IT for an extended period (perhaps a minute or so) and slowly relaxed. As I did this, I began to experience some toe-curling feelings from my prostate. What happened next blew me away…….

Aneros session for Saturday morning, April 22, 2016, Kegels and Reverse Kegels

Hi guys,

This morning I had a most satisfying session with my favorite models: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

My routine these days in sessions is that with Helix Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Classic is to insert those models while lying on my right side. I allow myself a few minutes to accommodate each of those models and then switch on my back with my butt on a pillow. That is when the real “action” takes place. But recently that there is greater contact when I bring my knees up to my chest. Here in this position, I do a few Kegels and Reverse Kegels that my buddy HopefulMMOer has spoken much about. Kegels and Reverse Kegels with Aneros real fuel intense P-waves, mini-O’s, dry O’s, etc., ingredients which may trigger a Super-O, and even MMO’s! What was so exciting about this morning, besides working with Kegels and Reverse Kegels with these three aforementioned Aneros models is that I focused upon subtle “actions” and sensations giving rise to subtle, yet rich and intense pleasure!

Yet, Tempo has his important place in all my sessions too. I can sit at my PC with Tempo inserted and do the Kegels and Reverse Kegels as well as other actions described above.

Now while typing this blog entry, I savoring the afterglow of Aless. I am Kegeling and Reverse Kegeling. If I want to, I can achieve a Super-O and much, much more which I intend to do on this rainy Saturday!

“A Helix Ride Like No Other”

[This description is somewhat graphic and does contain profanity]

Contrary to my better judgment on my last post, I had the time to do a shortened session with Helix. I was not aroused in any way and thought I would just do a ‘quick do-nothing’ session and call it a night. Well! This session was anything but ordinary! Let me explain……

I quickly lubed-up and the Helix felt so good going in. I got into my usual right-side position so as not to stimulate my penis. It wasn’t too long before I distinctly felt my pulse through the Helix. I have felt it before but this time it was especially strong. After a while (about 5 minutes I believe) I got the urge to start doing some very strong anal/PC contractions just to ‘start things up’. Well, they started up all right! I began to experience a combination of auto-fuck contractions combined with my own strong contractions and they were beginning to get intensely pleasurable! I rolled over on my stomach and began to thrust my chest up and down, up and down, in synchronous motion with my breathing. The Helix is moving in and out with every breath. OMG! With each movement of my chest, I am feeling a most-pleasurable ache (like a strong P-wave) that was only getting stronger! It went on and on……and on and on…..

With each ache, I was letting out a moan: OOH!….OOH!,,,,OOH!,,,,OOH!,,,,,,The moans became muffled SCREAMS under my pillow. I could not stop them. You get the picture!

“The Call Of The Eupho: A Wild Ride!”

Since I have not had an Aneros session in almost 2 weeks, I have been getting my stim through other means, usually porn or erotic auditory stim. Early this AM, I began to search for and listen to erotically-stimulating music. One in particular which I liked was called “Erotic Massage”. It was about an hour long. I had the time, I settled-in for a nice relaxing ‘listen’, set the volume very low and began to sink-into the relaxing melody. I didn’t realize it at the time but this audio track must have contained some very-carefully embedded ‘tones’ which were very stimulating. Not so much as for a penile erection (I know the feeling well) but it was a more ‘all-over’ erotic feeling. I became very aroused ALL OVER MY BODY. I felt the need to caress my nipples and torso and other parts of my body. Yes I was feeling it in my groin and had a mostly-full erection (about 3/4 I believe). But near the end, I felt ready for sex! Since it was early AM, and I was still feeling unfulfilled and horny, I decided to go for an Aneros session (for which I have longed for a while). My body was ready.

I retreated to my bedroom, selected the Eupho (somehow I knew this was the one), lubed-up and laid on my usual right side position.

“Ultimate Sperm Bank: A Multifaceted Fantasy”

Wow! This Aneros session began in the usual way but became a ‘living fantasy’….Let me explain…..

Background: My wife and I had watched a romantic movie in bed and had a shortened encounter (~50 minutes) of tantric sex. Since I had no expectation of climax, I ended this evening aroused and went back to bed.

About four hours later, I awakened with an erection and a throbbing in my groin. I felt that now was a good time to grab the helix and complete the mission! I did not want too stimulating an experience so I decided in advance a ‘do-nothing’ session would be most appropriate. Nothing could be further from the truth! First off, this session began with a series of ‘auto-fuck’ contractions which quickly escalated into what I called ‘SUPER-FUCK’ contractions. The difference is that these super contractions were about 5 times as frequent as the regular auto-contractions. I could not possibly keep up with these by myself. These contractions seemed to alternate between regular and super (sort of like gasoline)! I threw-in some of my own contractions when I could. These contractions were accompanied by moans, convulsions and I felt some Dry-O’s as well. About half-way into this session, I fell-into a fantasy…..