“Eupho Dance & HOWO”

What a session! First, a little background. I had been ‘dosing’ on some penis stimulation binaurals for about 45 minutes so I was hard, wet and horny. Since it still was early AM, I decided to “do” a quick non-stimulating ‘session’ with my Eupho and maybe finish-off with an ejaculation later-on. What could be the harm? As it turned out, plenty! Let me explain……

I lubed-up, got the Eupho where it belonged and turning over on my favorite right side position, I relaxed and waited. Well, about 3 minutes in, the Eupho made up its own mind that IT was going to “finish-me-off” whether I liked it or not. So for the next 40 minutes or so, it was a quiet march for me to the ‘edge–of–the-cliff’! Let me further explain……

“Making Up For Lost Time”

Wow! A full week off from Aneros and it feels good to "ride" again!

Nothing special about this ride, in fact, no Dry-O (perhaps a Mini-O). But as soon as I started with Helix, it was on auto-pilot all the way. I just had to get on-board.

After about an hour and a half with Helix, I switched to PS-NEW and got quite a bit of p-fluid out. About 30 minutes more, no discomfort at all.

Wanted more anals so I switched again to Peridise (Large) and it felt amazing.

Wanted STILL more so I got my set of silicone anal beads and finished the session with a strong E while removing them. As I said, it feels GREAT to "ride" again!

PS Interesting but prostate is NOT "BUZZING" today! Not sure what this means for an orgasm? Perhaps I need MORE SESSIONS! We'll see…..

PS Only a day later and my prostate is "quivering" again! It is a great feeling! Already had a "chairgasm" and some extended full-body O's in bed. Looking forward to more "regular" sessions. I can't wait!

“Orgasmic Express”

Wow! What a day! This morning, before noon, I began to get a "buzzing" in my prostate/anal region that would not quit. I needed to go to the bedroom and lay down and I was "greeted" with two (2) Dry-O's! Each one was strong, started up almost without any help from me (felt like an 'auto-f***). I began moaning with each deep breath, and the feeling went on for at least 10 to 15 minutes.


I swim every day and went to the pool around noon. I usually swim an hour a day now. Everything went well. I bought a new Speedo 'race' jammer and it was really fast! It is almost like a 'second skin'—when I went to the shower, I had to make sure I still had it on, I couldn't feel it!

When I returned home, I got on the PC to check email, etc. and again I experienced some more "buzzing. I needed to lay down and once again, the 'auto-f*** contractions started up and I felt powerless to do anything but ride it out. There were about 1 – 1/2 more dry-O's with moaning. Toward the end of the 'second' one, I must have had a brief 'out-of-body' experience because I felt like I DEFINITELY was not in my bed (but I don't know where I was). I also saw a brilliant 'blue' color in my vision (was this the sky?). I really don't know how long I was in this state since I didn't check the time. It could have been 5 minutes or 30.

“Wired For Pleasure”

My recent experiences with erotic hypnosis and especially binaural beats have put excess stress on my heart and since I have had an episode of irregular heartbeat in the past (caused by excess caffeine) and have recently experienced some again, I feel it is best that I curtail my Aneros usage and binaural beats for an indefinite period of time….

That said, I have "renewed" my passion for my wife and we have had several great episodes lately. No details but suffice it to say that things have been progressively building up to a sexual explosion. I feel wonderful!

I worried that I would be deprived of my Aneros sessions. That all changed this morning. Let me explain……..


Following a blissful night with my wife, I awakened early like I usually do and went on the computer to catch-up. While online, I began to experience a warm "glow" —hard to explain— it seemed to be a sexual "energy" that I began to feel and it was enveloped in the sexual passion I feel for my wife. It was a raw, sexually-charged, wonderful, delicious feeling and I am looking forward to more erotic encounters with her. I finished up with my online session, had a little pre-breakfast like I usually do and then went back to my bed (we sleep in different beds due to our "snoring").

“Aless Orgasm: Micro-Contractions”

I didn't have time for a regular Aneros session so while I was in bed, I began to ponder the thought of achieving an "O" Aless. My prostate was not "buzzing" for over a day and I didn't think it would be possible. Boy was I wrong! Let me explain…….

I began to do some "regular" light contractions but something crossed my mind: I remember (years ago!) doing penis stim for a long time, just lightly "stroking" or "tapping" on the underside of the head, while erect. This used to go on for quite a long time and usually left me in agony with a considerable amount of precum until I 'came'. So I thought, why not with the anal contractions?

While laying on my side, I began to do 'ever-so-slight' contractions, almost like a 'whisper'. I kept this up for a while, perhaps 15 minutes or so without any feeling. At the same time, I tried to relax my mind as much as possible and "imagined" only the thought of a contraction, not a real contraction. I kept this up for a while as well.

A Self-Challenge: Peridise (Large) Extended Daytime Session

I decided to do an extended daytime session with the Peridise (Large) anal stimulator. I decided to "track" my progress/results in about 5 minute intervals. There is nothing earth-shattering in this session, I just wanted to record it.

Here goes…..

15 Minutes – nothing unusual except for the usual erection.

20 Minutes – starting to have a "funny" feeling in anus perhaps peristaltic contraction?

25 Minutes – more powerful anal spasm. Starting to feel more intense feeling in anal canal.

30 Minutes – feel Peridise slightly moving in and out on its own. Erection half-hard.

35 Minutes – more intense breathing. More regular movement. Stronger feeling overall. Erection harder.

40 Minutes – starting to MOAN. More regular movement. Feels like something building up (anal orgasm?) Walking around causing almost unbearable pleasurable feeling. Erection hardest.

45 Minutes – Still hanging in. Erection mostly down.

50 Minutes – Feel like I am being pumped-up with semen. Maybe heading for an ejaculation caused by anal stimulation. Erection building up again.

55 Minutes – Still hanging in. Erection going down.

60 Minutes – Peridise feels like it pulled in more. More extreme pleasure now.

65 Minutes – Things settling down. Still some "auto contractions" of anus. Erection down.

70 Minutes – Still hanging in. End of session.


I Love My Helix!

Even though it was only one day since my ride on Pro Jr and Peridise (Small), I just felt "ready" for another ride. I selected the Helix since I have had some great rides with it.

I got myself ready, lubed-up and was ready to ride.

I am writing this not in real time but the following morning, so some of the details may be a bit "sketchy". I'll try my best to remember. This ride had several "firsts" as I will explain……

First off, I decided to "time" my contractions by my breathing. As I took a deep breath, I wanted to feel it in my abdomen as well. When I did this, I increased the contraction ever so slightly. Upon releasing the breath, I released the contraction as well.

All was going fine and this continued for, I believe, 20 minutes or so. I felt very relaxed.

However, this relaxed state was punctuated at times by a sharp abdominal spasm which "jolted" me and the helix. At the same time, my breath became more of an exclamation point and was anything but regular! Wow! I did not expect this so early in the ride.

I tried to resume my "normal" breathing technique. What happened next? I felt the helix literally go into "auto-fuck" mode. My breathing became anything but regular. I felt more extreme P-waves which continued to build. I recognized the feeling and I know I was building to a dry orgasm.

“A Wild Eupho Ride”

I thought I would try Progasm Jr for this ride. I lubed-up and inserted it very slowly. However, It became clear that I could not "retain" it (probably due to a "full" upper rectum). So, since I was already nicely "lubed", I went for the Eupho. Here is the ride……..

The Eupho went in very easily (I had extra lube in me from Progasm Jr) and I began to immediately feel very light "tickling" P-waves and something stronger right away. I had some light moaning as well. I continued with the light contractions for perhaps 45 minutes when I felt an orgasm beginning to build (probably just a Dry-O I thought). This seemed too easy with the Eupho and only light contractions. Much to my surprise, it was a Super-O that lasted, I believe, a full 20 MINUTES!

This Super-O began like a recent one, with some involuntary whole-body "shakes" which seemed to come over me "sequentially". These were followed and "intertwined" with whole-body convulsions, also sequential to start. Once I began these, there was no letup FOR A FULL 20 MINUTES! I literally was shaking, twisting and moaning all at the same time. The anal contractions, I believe, became automatic and they went on with the shaking and twisting for the duration of this orgasm. Several times during this orgasm, I distinctly felt my penis erecting hard.


An Extended Super-O Session

I'll start this "ride" at the END…….and make my way back to the BEGINNING…….

I was awakened about three hours "later" with a severely "buzzing" prostate, a rock-hard erection (and balls too) and was moaning already. I had just experienced a most-powerful prostate spasm resulting in some precum and some whole-body involvement. I felt the scrotum and it was VERY sensitive already!

I'm sitting here and prostate is again severely "buzzing" (I seem to be doing "automatic" anal contractions) and the prostate is again going into spasm. The prostate is still "pumping". I'm going to "jump ahead" to the BEGINNING now………

I selected the Helix for this ride because I have had the most direct stimulation of the prostate with it. This time was no different.

Let me explain………

I knew this "ride" would be great because almost immediately upon insertion of the helix, it "greeted" me with an immediate rock-hard erection (balls included) and I began MOANING right away! (Moaning in these sessions had been generally rare for me until the most recent sessions).

Upon very light contractions at first, I began to quickly progress to P-waves, then an occasional Dry-O. I was MOANING throughout and this time, my moans were getting so severe that I had to physically "muffle" them in my pillow. I considered SCREAMING (the pleasure was that severe) but obviously would wake up the household in the middle of the night.

This Eupho Session Was A “Dud” – Or Was It?

Nothing unusual about this Eupho session. I did have a major distraction from television the entire ride. However, I managed the best I could. As with previous Eupho sessions, it took a while to get the prostate "buzzing". Even after about an hour, there still was no orgasm. I did feel only one Dry-O during the latter part of this session.

One interesting thing which I did in this session was put my finger at the "back end" of my anus and "explore" a little. The lube was really slippery and my finger was able to glide back and forth within the anal opening with ease. It felt so good! However, I actually felt like it was "accelerating" an ejaculation, though, not a prostate orgasm. I didn't know if the stimulation of the anal nerves was going to trigger a penile ejaculation, but it sure felt so. I did this only for about a minute or so then stopped it. I did not want to "short-circuit" a prostate orgasm.

Since it was obvious that nothing else would come of this session, I ended it and chalked it up as a "dud".

Note: As is usual for most of these sessions, I awoke about five hours later with a most powerful erection and precum. As I am sitting here, I am feeling a slight ache in the lower abdomen and a "twinge" in the prostate followed by another erection. The head of the penis is wet. The testicles are starting to get very sensitive and I am experiencing a toe-curling spasm in the prostate region. I think I'll go back to bed…….