A Neuroscientist's Stroke as an Unchosen Path

Here is an amazing story unfolding…

From my recent KSMO post: The New York Times story on Jill Bolte Taylor, and her happening upon nirvana as a result of a stroke, provides some interesting reflections on the depth of "rewiring" we work toward or stumble upon ourselves with our methods here and at Aneros…


Her experiences and descriptions are so much like the early Intellectual Orgasms I experienced and the more recent drops into lucid dreaming and hypnagogia in conjunction with KS erotic and transforming energies.

It sounds like "full body" experiences…

Her book should prove interesting.

It will be fascinating to follow how she pursues this phenomenon and her life with it.

It reminds one of the Stendhal Effect, the over-powering aesthetic response, which can act for some as a positive dry orgasmic trigger.

And there are other connected phenomena…

What is your experience that this story connects to?


as we rewire
we are all reconnected

Energies and Transformations

The following is a post on my blog at the KSMO site but it all applies here too. It is a further example of our couples practice that has merged Aneros and KSMO so closely.

I had my first session, after an earlier brief experimental one, with my new Helix a few days ago and have had after effects and general Butt Buzz since then, which was part of energizing this morning's love nest described below! Helix is my new best friend; but that is before Eupho has a real session! So it remains to be seen…

"After sensing a misunderstanding in the Aneros Chat focused on KSMO, and having the very good discussion in our Evening KSMO Chat later on the 10th, I have been reflecting a lot on the nature of what I have experienced over the last year and a bit, referring back to the Three Models post earlier.

The question is, how expansive, transformable and transformative are the energies that can be tapped and directed using the Key Sound?

I would really appreciate thoughts and points of view from other perspectives.

This morning, mrs. a and I stayed in bed after waking early and had a wonderful time. After early delights and some traditional p>v intercourse we settled down to our intent which was focused more on her prostate (G-spot), still penile/vaginal rather that our mutual manual Wedding Band position.

General O-zone Activated

The following four paragraphs set in quotes is a Forum post from April 15th. Increasingly I am, as I said in this post, "activated in the abdomen" almost all the time. It seems to be a form of continuous after effects or "echo effects". If I am not but feel like it anywhere, anytime, a silent Key Sounding, using the throat muscles but silently, or just imagining making the sound will instantly bring into the O-zone and the energies are there.

"Many spontaneously make sounds during erotic arousal and orgasm. In the emerging science on neuroplasiticity, music is as key a flexible deeply wired/rewirable mental experience as erotic response and apparently deeply linked. Synaesthesia is the experience of one sensory phenomenon in the response form of another: seeing a note of music as a colour for example.

KSMO works amazingly well, particularly as a trigger for erotic body energies. These energies can be triggered, amplified and transformed using the Key Sound, aloud or silently, once you and your body have learned the essence of the triggering mechanism.

Like Hlaser, I have a proclivity for Chairgasms, and Cargasms, examples of the day after a session echo effects that KS can trigger.

Early Post of Youth Experiences

For me, Aneros and KSMO quickly became almost inseparable in my practice. Here is my almost year-old introductory post in the KSMO Forum, quoting from a thread posting I had made to a thread here that was subsequently removed for other reasons. As promised recently in current threads here, I am placing this background in the blog. Hope this is helpful.

"As a newbie here, and relatively so in the Aneros Forum, I am energized and curious about combining these two practices. A little like Pan, I have chronic pain and yet have been able to develop a number of techniques to override or evade it to a degree.

I am married for almost 40 years and we have two sons in their mid-20s. Now empty-nesters, my wife and I are exploring our post-parenting sex interests and that has included a successful voyage into her ejaculatory orgasm potential and the flowing waters of the goddess. We have just begun listening to the 4 CD KSMO library and are in very early practising of the KS. We will do some posting in the Couples chat area when they are focused on mutuality.

Prostate centred sex has been part of my world since the earliest teen explorations of my body and sexual responses. I used model missiles for anal stimulation and then to massage my prostate as a teen. Parallel to that, I experienced, without any prostate, anal, penile or any other physical stimulation, vigorous, whole body, orgasmic experiences with vivid visualizations that I call Intellectual Orgasms. I described them on the Aneros Forum as follows:

Possible IO link

I have described my youth experience of Intellectual Orgasms, non-ejaculatory full body Super-Os with vivid mental imagery and "through the body" travel earlier in the Forum and I will add the fuller description here soon.

The great thing, if it means anything and repeats and builds, is that I have recently had a spontaneous happening that may be part of that kind of circuit reconnecting or newly forming. I was doing some mental work that I enjoy a great deal that involved working on the best patterning for the synthesis of several ideas and, having achieved a breakthrough, I suddenly had a qi energy type of blossoming in my brain. Immediately, as that bloomed fully, I had a large energy bloom in the whole lower abdomen exciting all the key points there. Both quickly diffused throughout the body and disappeared as anything specific while leaving me tingling all over. Who knows what's next?

The gut and the interconnected sexual apparatus, particularly the anal/colon/prostate/perineum we focus on here, is all part of our Second Brain (see the book by Michael Gershon MD which deals with nervous disorders of the stomach and intestines) which we here at Aneros, and others at KSMO, TAO SKF, and other disciplines, are exploring from the pleasure-focused southern end of the same system. The connections to the head brain, our consciousness, and wider body consciousness and overall integration of "being in the world" are ripe for much stronger reconnection and the transcendental possibilities for us all. What? What do you think?

Couples Sessions

With mrs. artform now enjoying the arousal stimulation of the Slightest Touch, and our preferred positions enabling her to simultaneously massage my prostate, we both reach an energetic orgasmic plateau or zone, miniOs, waves, Calm Seas Super Os and more, and enjoy for an hour and a half or two before she ejaculates gloriously. I can now get to the OZone just as easily with the MGX in rather than her massaging and that variety is a great addition for both of us.

I have mastered using the Key Sound silently to both store and trigger chi (qi) energy and particularly, using the Aneros for training, have learned to isolate the muscles around/moving the prostate to gently "polish the knob" or tip of my MGX, triggering orgasmic energy flows. The muscle memory can now be triggered to produce the same effect and sensation of polishing the knob without the MGX in. This has been paralleled by more focused individual control of the anal sphincters and related wall muscles, the perineum muscles, and other specific twitch sites.

However, these are all individual tools or techniques which we have found along the way, focused on our mutual lovemaking and mutual G-spot/prostate ecstasies. We haven't followed the Aneros or KSMO traditional journeys as individuals. We are trying now to begin that as two separate discipline paths for me (Aneros and KSMO) and KSMO for her, both boosted with Slightest Touch, and adding the third Qi Gong, which seems to be the centre of what our bodies are doing in response to this greatly heightened orgasmic energy. Everyday ecstatic bioenergetics? Well not yet since many other life events and activities… but more time on this as soon as possible!


I use my MGX for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia) therapy when I need relief from the narrowing and urgency as baseline Aneros use.

Rewiring and exploring the sensations and orgasm levels through Aneros use have been quite a ride through 2007. I added KSMO (Key Sound Multiple Orgasms) quite soon after starting with Aneros. The two methods together unleashed a lot of energy flows and mrs. artfom and I have had some wonderful times with all this.

Early here in the Aneros Forum I gave some of my background and particularly the experiences in my youth that I called Intellectual Orgasms. Recently a fellow member of the KSMO Forum challenged me to compare that experience with Crown Centred Orgasms in the Tao traditions and techniques and I did pursue Tao with some successes in the early 1990s. For a variety of reasons I let that practice lapse for about a decade and a half. Now I need to step back and clarify what has been happening, from what previous rewiring and where I am headed next.

I hope anyone and everyone with any resonant experiences or questions will help me through this rethinking and I look forward to that as I continue with Aneros and the other disciplines/opportunities.

As we rewire, so shall we be reconnected.

My journey to the Super Orgasm

My journey to the Super Orgasm.

I have been suffering for years with prostate discomfort; if I get aroused it feels like something is poking my prostate, ED problems; reduced sensitivity in the penis and trouble ejaculating, and sore testicles.

After years of going to Doctors for various tests, they could do nothing better than prescribe Viagra. Last year I went to a sex therapist who started me with testicle massages, when I mentioned this to my doctor he said “don’t do it, I could damage them”. Well they already hurt, so I felt I had little to lose and continued massaging them. This was very painful but I kept at it for about 6 months and gradually noticed less pain and now have it down to a dull ache. I went back to my therapist in September 2006 and she recommended starting self-prostate massages and gave me High Island Health’s website. I don’t like to order online so I did a search for Prostate massagers and found Aneros’s website, did a search for retailers in my area, and found one 50 miles away that carried the Helix.

So I greased up the Helix and shoved it up my butt, then grabbed my wife and said lets do it. Having something up my butt for the first time during sex gave my penis a nice jumpstart and when I was feeling ready, I clamped down hard on the Helix and came like I haven’t done in years. I was thinking the Helix was great and that was all there was to sex.

Brain Sync, Slightest Touch, and the Progasm

I had been perusing through the forum and saw a thread or two that mentioned the Brain Sync cds, so I checked out the site and bought 3 of them. They currently have a special deal where you can get a discount if you buy 3.

I ordered the Ecstasy, Sound Sleep, and Total Relaxation cds.

I first listened to the samples several months ago and they did nothing for me – they all sounded very similar.

This time though, when I listened to the Ecstasy sample, I felt a tingling in my perineum and scrotum. After perusing through the website some more, I came back and listened to it again and started having these strong singular contractions just like I have with my KSMO sessions. This was unbelievable! And this was just with the sample! Seeing as I didn't want to get cranked up just then, I quickly switched over to the Total Relaxation sample, hoping that it would calm me down some. It did somewhat, but I still had a few more contractions and tingling. I was amazed that I reacted like that in such a short time.

When I listened to the Sound Sleep sample, I started getting drowsy with my eyes closing and my head starting to bob like I was about to fall asleep. As soon as I stopped the sample, I became alert again. I couldn't believe it, so I tried it again a little later and it had the same effect! This time, as I felt my eyes close and my head bob, I just had a smile on my face.

Subsequent Sessions

This is Part 2 of my catch-up posts. I bought the Helix and Eupho package in early July of 2006 so I’ll discuss what I experienced after the first few months of use. Please see my earlier post about my initial sessions.

Bought the MGX
I bought the MGX in December of 2006. I was curious whether the ribs on it would provide additional stimulation to my anus. The Helix and Eupho don’t have those ribs so they only provide minimal stimulation. I had read some posts where some users liked the ribs initially but found them to be annoying later. However, I had to see for myself since each person’s likes and dislikes are different.

When I first inserted it, I really felt it dig into my perineum and it started hurting just like when I first began with the Helix. I was surprised by this since the days of me having perineum pain with the Helix and Eupho were long gone. That being the case, I was glad that I didn’t purchase the MGX first. I can only imagine the pain that a newbie would feel having never used an Aneros before. After a while, this too subsided so it didn’t bother me anymore. Another thing I didn’t like about the MGX is that the larger tab caused it to grab the hairs on my perineum. I didn’t have that problem with the Helix and Eupho with their smaller tabs.