Hi there. Longtime lurker here. 29 years old and have been exploring prostate play for a decade. The first toy I ever bought was a pink vibrating Aneros when I was 19. They don’t even sell the model anymore, but it was far too big for my first toy. A couple years later, I experienced my first and only hands-free wet orgasm to date. I was riding my boyfriend’s dick and suddenly just came hands-free. I started looking into hands-free orgasms at that point and purchased the Aneros helix. I have had dry orgasms on a couple of occasions since then, maybe about 4 times, but I’ve never cum from it. Last night I got really close. My eyes were closed, and I had the most amazing orgasm. I could feel all my muscles contracting and my cock was pulsing. It felt really amazing. The feelings came and went for a couple of minutes, but I never opened my eyes because I didn’t want to be pulled out of my orgasm. Once the feelings died down, I opened my eyes expecting to see multiple loads of cum running down my cock, but there was just a small amount of precum.
I feel like I’m on the track to reach hands-free ejaculation, but I’m not sure what to do. Any tips or suggestions? Should I just keep going? It took me probably an hour to get to the point of dry orgasming and I was pretty tired at that point, but I really want to reach hands-free ejaculation.