[Brag post] My sub-15 minute super o

Before I start this is a brag post; I just wanted to share this excitement with someone.

So I purchased a helix last week and was a complete beginner. I have had at least one session every day. I know this is more than Aneros says you should do at first but my roommate was away so I wanted to get familiar with it as quickly as possible. It took three days for me to get over the “urge to purge” but I finally did. After I got used to it being inside I did the “do nothing approach” and just focused on where the helix was touching inside. This initiated p waves which I now experience without the Helix in me.

I rode each p wave like a wave; just riding it out until I got feel the device deep inside of me. When I focused on this part it sent me into a brief super o but I could not fight the urge to touch my cock and came shortly thereafter. This was session number 4 and the brief super o came occurred about an hour and a half in.

The next day I took the same approach but kept my hands off my cock. Again this led to a brief superm o about an hour and a half in.

I did some more reading on how people were achieving super o’s and came across binaural beats. Flash forward to this morning.

Busy March

(This was just posted to my blog at Bateworld.com – thought I'd re-post it here, too)

March has been kind of a strange and thrilling month for me, bate-wise. Ever since getting re-wired to have prostate orgasms with the Aneros massagers, all of my bate sessions have been enhanced with those great sensations eminating from my prostate. Some give you a mild, buzzy sensation and waves of pleasure (called p-waves by Aneros fans). Others approximate the feel of a normal orgasm, only you can have them over and over without losing stamina. A few times, however, I can work myself into these full-body orgasms which give your entire body the sensation of having an orgasm – with no cum! These full-body orgasms are called Super-Os by Aneros fans. I usually have these once a month, like clockwork, and most of the time they can be had without any massager inserted.

I need help progressing

Hey guys. I’ve been using the Helix Syn for about a month, at first it just felt nice, nothing special. Made jacking off more fun. But now I’m looking to have a super-O. After having no results, I started listening to binaural beats and using the do nothing method, I got some buzzing from my prostate, it always builds up and I start having involuntary contractions, but it never goes anywhere. How to I proceed from here? What do I do differently? I can tell I’m getting close to the super-O and I want it so bad!

Oh My! What A “Do-Nothing” Ride!

Oh My! Where to start? I found myself alone in the house for at least two hours so I "planned ahead" for an uninterrupted "ride" on Progasm Jr. I had not really used it much to-date since I usually felt that it "filled me up" a little too much. Tonight was different.

I decided in advance that I would make this session a "do-nothing" session and I just planned to relax with Progasm Jr. nicely snuggled in my you-know-what. I lubed up nicely and took my time with insertion. It is a little more difficult than the helix or eupho. Once in, I just turned over on my stomach and relaxed for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Very relaxing so far…..and I got an almost immediate erection with precum. Not a bad feeling!

But then, something happened to disturb this peaceful ride…..

I began to auto-contract ever so slightly. I could feel the Pro Jr. very slightly "tickling" my prostate with P-waves and I could even feel it with every pulse.

Every now and then, also, I began to experience a powerful abdominal spasm. Oh yeah, the moaning, THE MOANING seemed to be non-stop during this ride. Since I was alone in the house (except for the dogs) I didn't have to muffle my moans and I didn't. The moans became so loud at times that I believe that they actually helped increase the auto-contractions.

Can you describe what a Super O feels like?

I want to hear what people here who’ve achieved it have to say about what it’s like to get one of these. Whenever I get them, I feel like my mind is being torn apart and all the endorphins are just rushing out.

“A Wild Eupho Ride”

I thought I would try Progasm Jr for this ride. I lubed-up and inserted it very slowly. However, It became clear that I could not "retain" it (probably due to a "full" upper rectum). So, since I was already nicely "lubed", I went for the Eupho. Here is the ride……..

The Eupho went in very easily (I had extra lube in me from Progasm Jr) and I began to immediately feel very light "tickling" P-waves and something stronger right away. I had some light moaning as well. I continued with the light contractions for perhaps 45 minutes when I felt an orgasm beginning to build (probably just a Dry-O I thought). This seemed too easy with the Eupho and only light contractions. Much to my surprise, it was a Super-O that lasted, I believe, a full 20 MINUTES!

This Super-O began like a recent one, with some involuntary whole-body "shakes" which seemed to come over me "sequentially". These were followed and "intertwined" with whole-body convulsions, also sequential to start. Once I began these, there was no letup FOR A FULL 20 MINUTES! I literally was shaking, twisting and moaning all at the same time. The anal contractions, I believe, became automatic and they went on with the shaking and twisting for the duration of this orgasm. Several times during this orgasm, I distinctly felt my penis erecting hard.


An Extended Super-O Session

I'll start this "ride" at the END…….and make my way back to the BEGINNING…….

I was awakened about three hours "later" with a severely "buzzing" prostate, a rock-hard erection (and balls too) and was moaning already. I had just experienced a most-powerful prostate spasm resulting in some precum and some whole-body involvement. I felt the scrotum and it was VERY sensitive already!

I'm sitting here and prostate is again severely "buzzing" (I seem to be doing "automatic" anal contractions) and the prostate is again going into spasm. The prostate is still "pumping". I'm going to "jump ahead" to the BEGINNING now………

I selected the Helix for this ride because I have had the most direct stimulation of the prostate with it. This time was no different.

Let me explain………

I knew this "ride" would be great because almost immediately upon insertion of the helix, it "greeted" me with an immediate rock-hard erection (balls included) and I began MOANING right away! (Moaning in these sessions had been generally rare for me until the most recent sessions).

Upon very light contractions at first, I began to quickly progress to P-waves, then an occasional Dry-O. I was MOANING throughout and this time, my moans were getting so severe that I had to physically "muffle" them in my pillow. I considered SCREAMING (the pleasure was that severe) but obviously would wake up the household in the middle of the night.

“I am Alive With Sexual Energy”

It is really hard to put this down……

Having just experienced some prostate orgasms (close to Super-O's) without the Aneros (Aless) I began to feel an incredible energy building inside of me! This energy seems to radiate DIRECTLY from the male organs: penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate, perineum, anus, and further on to the other erogenous "areas" especially the nipples. There is a tremendous energy radiating from the male body and the male organs and I can feel it! I put my left hand over my penis and testicles and my right hand beneath me near my anus and perineum and…..

OH MY! Feel the energy! There is nothing else like it. It is a tremendous power surging within me and it is mind-blowing!

It is the energy that drives the world! It is an incredibly powerful energy and it pervades all males. I just wish that every male can experience this at some point in their lives! I am bursting with excitement!

Is there a way to "capture" this feeling or describe it properly? Probably not. But one way to try is to do what I did: place your hands over your male parts, close your eyes, do some anal contractions and just take in the raw sexual power that is deep within you! You will feel it! Don't be ashamed or afraid of this power. It is part of you and surrounds you. It is hard to keep this power "bottled-up" inside of you. You have to share it!

Male “Tidbits”

I thought I would put some of these into words:

-It seems to me (and it is not my imagination) that my "package" is longer and fuller all around since Aneros use. This applies to the penis as well as the testicles. I notice it now in the gym especially after a shower. I wonder how common this is for Aneros users? I notice my male "bulge" more often now and am proud of it! I wonder if anyone else notices?

-Since regular Aneros use, I have not noticed the "blue balls" syndrome (which can be quite painful) that comes with repeated extended erections.

-The prostate "aftershock" is a very real event and I can expect it almost after every Aneros session. It is aptly named, similar to an earthquake aftershock. Multiple aftershocks are usually likely. The aftershocks in my case usually consist of involuntary periodic powerful erections accompanied by prostate spasms/contractions and a "pumping" of the prostate with semen with very visible precum, until the point of ejaculation. Multiple "aftershocks" seem to be normal in my case. It seems to me that significant prostate stimulation with Aneros almost always results in ejaculation at some point, to achieve a balance. There seems to be no "turning back" on this ejaculation (I have tried) but it will come no matter what. This is similar to the "point of no return" for a regular male ejaculation except that this one can be agonizingly and pleasurably long. The aftershocks can be quite delayed in terms of hours but they are coming.