About to explode

Things are stabilizing these weeks. Had a few days pause and now Im back, the first days I went full throtle and achieved nothing.

But yesterday I just slipped peridise and started reading some sex book and found my self floating in pleasure waves, after that, inserted the eupho and mmmm more intense even. I had to put the book down after 20minutes, couldnt read straight.

Tonight same thing, picked up some erotic book and started reading and getting turned on with the eupho inside, I didnt even get to the kinky part of the chapter before the p-waves took over, when they subsided, went to peredise and the ride continued in a different way.

I like how reading something takes my mind out of the aneros toy, and it starts taking life of its own. The problem might be with the possitions.

I lost the count of how many days Ive been on fast but my guess is about 7. I'm like going through some tantric "point of no return" practice. For those not familiar with the practice it consists on building up just before the point of no return, and chanelling the energy upwards through the midline. Its normally recomended to open the heart chakra before all others. Done right you dont really have to make PC contractions that stop the flow, although sometimes they become necesarry and some ejaculation is lost. But its not only about ejaculation, its about keeping the energy of the orgasm. Aneros P-waves and orgasms have helped me reconect with other types of pleasure sensations and releases, and this practice is becoming easier and easier. Once Ive gone through 5 or so orgasms, I no longer have the urge to cum really and my body is pulsating.

Logging out

Im just recovering from a five hour marathon which Ive decided marks the end of my little honeymoon with myself in the quest for the mistery, the orgasm, the new plane, whatever… Ive been 24 days hitting aneros and self-tantra on an average of 1.5 sessions a day. Now is the time to take a break and settle into a moderate approach, I feel the door has been unlocked.

Great Maintenance Orgasms

I have always also used my Aneros models for prostate massage specific treatment for my chronic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and prevention of the previous occasional bouts of more or less serious Prostatitis. One episode of prostatitis a few years ago took 3 months of antibiotic lashings to cure.

Although I can also use Aneros as a an erection encourager at times for my medication induced Erectile Dysfunction (ED), that is a different circuit, rewired and expressed consciously as a different intention. Such are the needs of Aneros multitasking! 🙂

So a normal BPH treatment session has the objective of a good vigourous hands-free prostate massage to break up those micro-crystals and other debris molecules so they can be flushed out with the next ejaculation, thereby "clearing the pipes". This restores a full and easy flow of urine where it can have gotten congested, narrowed significantly, and uncomfortable from time to time. Thank you Aneros and HIH!

These sessions usually start off in bed with relaxation, insertion, more relaxation and some voluntary/involuntaries opening movements. Once the energetic magic is working, relatively soon, my prostate is seeking something more vigourous and I get up for a walk about the house, particularly up and down stairs! Boy, can that Eupho move and MASSAGE!!!

Up and down, in and out (at first), side to side, round and round as we go (dance!) up and down the stairs!. At the exercise area, some toe-touching is fantastic! Deep Strokes! Recently I added a good ten minute speed walk on the treadmill. Nothing like it!

Just another day at the office

Sometimes, long after all the sessions are complete, when I go to bed I just lay there and start the coaxing of the p-waves. First, I make sure I’m uncovered – no extraneous sensations. Then I find the right gentle contraction – all I know is its not the pc or bc muscle – I think it’s the cremaster muscle or something (Darwin would know) – it’s an outward inward pull push. Then it starts – the nice pressure, the creeping tingling. I don’t get them all over my body, I only get them were it counts, around the crotch. Then my peter starts to cycle up and down. Not throbbing. Pulsating. Just shy of twitching. It can cycle up and down like that for an hour and half – you just kind of have to throw common sense about sleep schedule out the window.

Makes me wish I knew more tricks. Like how to move the tingling around my body – maybe I should try to draw it up. I would not call these “immense pleasure waves”. They are immensely sensational – I don’t know, ‘cause I’ve never felt anything like it before. They are just my poor mans super-o. It is, after all, results. It’s just not orgasmic. It seems like I used to get involuntaries, but not so much anymore – just the good pressure and the p-waves. It’s like when its filling up with blood and the pulse beat follows from your pelvis up your peter (combined with p-wavyeous tingling) – but then it takes on a life of its own, asynchronous to your pulse beat.

next movement

I havent got a clue!!! Its certainly one of the sports in sexuality for me. Just staying on the edge of the cliff with slowmotion carresses, savouring the intensity of the sensation. Sometimes whenever Im at that point I focus on how much I deeply crave my fantasy or object of desire… That sensation I have tried to carry it on to aneros session, where there is no more feeling involved but I have lived the sensation of wanting to cum so bad.

Again, I dont know if it really helps, but its one of the intensity building tools, depends on what you want the intensity for of course. Masturbation wouldnt be the same without it for me. I say masturbation because I happen to be single, and Im a happy sexually satisfied single!!! I dont need anyone. If there is someone who I really want to share intimacy with and they with me thats fine. But Im not chasing booty for the sake of it. I dont need anyone to be happy. If I find someone I'll share my happyness. Mmmm this week I might be going out with good friend of mine. I can imagine just having orgasms just by hugging her.

BTW: Ive had a few p-waves and one O just sitting down and remembering my experience yesterday.

First O's

Yesterday night I had a big breakthrough in my experience level. I did a little marathon on my own with a bit of everything, 4 hours total, result, a lot of enjoyable p-waves, getting stronger and stronger as the night progressed, the night strangely culminated in a two super-Os back to back (or at least I thought thats what they were, if that wosent one, I cant wait).

What I did.

Hitting hard

OK, Im officially overdoing it a bit, but Im going to be quite occupied in the next days so I wont be able to access the aneros at all. Yesterday I did another big session.

Beautiful pleasure waves, and some O's, some MO's. But in general I have a feeling for the intensity of them that they can be more powerfull, like the one I had at the end of the-day-before-yesterday session.

Learnts quite a few things though
– I learnt to enjoy the smallest model of the advanced peredise set, incredible sensations. Im guessing its going to be my favourite, the bigger one is good for warming up though
– I like playing a bit with different models because I get the feeling that it awakens the are in different ways, specially the progasm. I started to apreciate it for the first time. The sensations are very powerful, to get the best out of it there is more practicing than meets the eye
– I practiced the Key Sound warming up for my third and last round yesterday, I see it possible creating combined sessions, but maybe only using peredise to slowly tickle the area and ripple pleasure out a bit. But Im not going to try to invent the wheel here, in the begining I'll leave a time were I'll just trust the systems I see.
– After concentrating on the waves of pleasure and amplyfing and playing with them, I am more aware of them in other moments that are not solely with prostate stimulation. One of my big breakthroughs is actually enjoying an orgasm stimulating my penis and squeezing to prevent ejaculation when in the point of no return. I had experience in that method but never have I been aware enough to actually enjoy it.
– I starting to get involuntary contractions in the pelvic floor muscles and little surges of energy without the toys being inserted. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the peridise sensations mmmmm. I'll say it over and over, Im going to take him everywhere with me

Swirling Vortex of Pleasure

A long delayed update: since my first super-o in January, I had another one in March. This one went a little better since I had no fear going in. I had a third super-o last weekend.

The fact that I've had three super-os in the last four months might say something. You have to be in the right physical and mental state to get them. For me it happens about once a month, giving new meaning to the phrase "that time of month." I think I'd even classify getting into them as forming a state of self-hypnosis within yourself. It's certainly a lot more mental than physical. Most of the sessions last two hours at the most, generally an hour or less.

The one from last weekend was interesting. I was about an hour into having some fabulous mini-os and long lasting p-waves. Things were getting to a state where I was super horny and could guide the MGX so it sat in THE right spot. I was in a super relaxed state and started picturing my midsection as an abstract mass of churning, swirling matter slowing spinning around – like some kind of super erotic galaxy. Soon enough, I was over the edge and into a different kind of super-o. It felt really good, and in a strangely different way than I'd normally associate with the sexual. A swirling vortex of pleasure, if you will!

Moving on down the road

After scrapping my two previous blog journal attempts, I think I’ll settle on this one. Here I am, closing in on my 10th month of Aneros use. Pressing on regardless, I seem to have crept up on to another plateau – so here it is…

It’s all about the p-waves! Didn’t know I was having them, but now it’s what I seek. Finally, after months of sessions, I am getting back to the point of being able to produce pleasurable anerosless moments utilizing simple small scale contractions and light Male Deer massages. I can have a session during the day with my favorite model de jour, and then again at night – all with p-waves rolling up and down my nether parts.

Putting the wraps on fish oil: It may or may not help – It’s just pretty expensive to keep up, and I have too many ramp up/ramp down periods with vacations and such. In the long run, I just don’t see myself quaffing down 10 fish oil pills a day for the rest of my life. In addition to the fish oil, I gave up cigars and drinking during that time. While I may have had an increase in spontaneous p-wave generation outside of sessions, I couldn’t see continuing to spend the money when I have a series of vacations coming up that will most likely bump me off the path.

10-hours later…still smiling

It’s been about three weeks since my last entry, here’s a brief rundown on what’s been going on for me in Aneros-land.

Now that the newness has worn off I’ve scaled back a little on usage. I started out “seeing” Mistress Aneros pretty much every day, now I’ve reduced that to a more reasonable two to three times per week.

Every once in a while I have a dud session, a session in which my Aneros offers up very little movement or pleasurable feelings. At first I wrote this off as being “just one of those days,” but after reading through a recent thread titled “Unrefined shea butter, how much?” I came to realize inadequate lubrication was my problem. What I hadn’t been doing was purposely lubing the area between my outer and inner sphincter. (What ya’ gotta do is stick your well lubed finger “up there” a few times to make sure the ol’ sphincter is good and slick). This made a tremendous difference, now my Eupho feels as light as a feather, just the tiniest of contractions produces exquisite pleasure…

Had a very nice session this morning, spent about half of it (one-hour) just groovin’ on the subtle and delicious feelings the Aneros gave me while I was doing some slow (really slow) contractions. I’d start from a totally relaxed state and very slowly do a PC contraction. When the PC contraction got to the point where it was about maxed out I found that if I held it at that point an anal contraction would involuntarily take over and pull the Aneros rest of the way in. That felt sooooo awesome!