A Weekend by the Sea

We spent three nights in a unit beside the Great Ocean Road in Southwest Victoria, so close to the sea that the sound of the surf was the pre-eminent presence.
On the first night, immediately before retiring, I injected 2 or 3 ml lube into my rectum and then well lubricated my Helix. The night's session was not spectacular, largely I assumed, because it had been a long drive to get to the unit, and I had been persuaded to embibe a couple of glasses of champagne earlier in the evening. I probably fell asleep before giving the Helix a fair chance to work its magic.

New discoveries

So last night as I started a no-Aneros session sitting in front of my computer while looking at porn, I noticed that I wasn't having much sensations. I also noticed that my conscious contractions had unknowingly shifted to PC muscles only. So just to experiment I tried contracting just my anal muscles, and was pleasantly surprised by very pleasurable sensations. So I worked with holding a quite firm anal contraction, and found that it kept the level of pleasurable sensations quite high. And that unconscious anal contractions would still occur within this firm hold that were very nice. I probably mixed in some PC muscle squeezes in there also.

This got me wondering if perhaps what I thought to be light squeezes were not hard enough. As I've often read posts in the forum about the muscles in the anus and PC group needing to acclimate and tone up. This also gave me the idea that there is more to the Peridise then I may have previously understood.

So I started an Aneros session with my Progasm. It was ok. I tried doing the firm anal contractions, which felt good. But I noticed that the Progasm stem is too large in diameter to get those wildly pleasurable sensations on hard anal squeezes that I was getting in my no-Aneros session. And it also seemed like the Progasm went too deep past my prostate on hard squeezes. I'm not sure how important that is. But switching out the Progasm for the largest of the advance Peridise confirmed my suspicions. I was able to get similar sensations with firm anal squeezes as I did in my no-Aneros session. On top of that, I got this wonderful sensation of the Peridise kind of squirming in my ass. That was a really nice sensation!!!

My one and only Full Body Multiple Male Orgasm before the Aneros

Quote “No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time.” (James Arthur Baldwin)

There is a first for everything and somehow these firsts are remembered for ever. Parents remember the fist utterance of “mama” or “dada”, the first steps, etc. I clearly remember my first day at school, first time I swam, fist time I could tell the time by looking at a clock, …., my fist erection (I was about 8 or 9 years old while having a bath with my younger and elder brother – funny somehow my dad got to know about it and it was the last time my brothers and I bathed together – when talking about old fashioned attitudes surely this beats all), my fist penis play and ejaculation with the boy next door, my fist kiss, my first time in bed with a girl, my first all night stay over, my first orgy and my fist full body male multiple orgasm (FBMMO).

Curious sensations

So yesterday, after two or three days of ejaculation abstinence, I was having a no-Aneros session in my computer chair while looking at some porn on the internet. I was having some pretty strong prostate buzzing sensations prior to this, which prompted me to have this session. And boy was I glad I did. Lately for some reason, the involuntaries have been close to non-existent in my no-Aneros sessions which is unusual. And I had no idea why. So I figured since I wasn't getting much response in that department anyway, I'd experiment with just relaxing my anal and PC muscles. And WHAM! The pleasure and energy sensations in my prostate jumped up a notch in a new way than I had experienced before and were oh so delightful! In addition to the involuntaries returning and adding very significantly to the pleasure and build up. I never got past this plateau. But it is a new record for me. And without an Aneros! The only thing I can figure is that maybe the PC and/or anal muscles need to tone up initially with the voluntary contractions. But perhaps once you get to the point where they are in shape and strong. You need to change your strategy to relaxing them instead. Just a hypothesis.

So later that day, I had an Aneros session with my Progasm. And I'm finding that lately these session don't compare much to my no-Aneros sessions. The pleasure is just not as intense, I don't feel the energy sensations, and because of this in frustration I often end up having a super-T. At least this time it was a good super-T! LOL

Continued Progress

I know I might be getting ahead of myself a bit here, but yesterday, I received a Progasm Ice (which my retailer had told me I should have bought in the first place)!
This would have to be the most sensuous piece of kit I have ever laid eyes on. I could hardly wait to give it a try out, even though there was only a window of a few minutes available!

In Southeast Australia, we are currently suffering a drought, so water conservation is high on our priority list. Accordingly, because of the type of hot water service we have, to save water, my wife J. and I have an arrangement whereby she showers first and I follow immediately while it is still running. As J. announced she was about to start her shower, I knew I had just a few minutes to play with my new friend.

I injected (by means of the eye dropper) about 3ml lube into my rectum and then liberally covered the PI with lube. I tried to insert the PI from the crouching position but it was obvious that would be too painful. So, I lay on my left side on the floor with my left leg straight and my right leg bent and pointing upwards. In this position, taking it very slowly, I began to insert the PI, using the recommended Spooning technique. Was surprised to find that it went in quite easily. After some seconds, I received a call from J. summoning me for my shower. I eased the PI out and was again surprised, this time to find out how far it had gone in!. By this time I had at least three quarters of an erection and there was a considerable flow of precum from my penis. I also noticed that on completing my shower, my penis was still producing precum! This exercise has taught me that I will need some practice in insertion to become acquainted with the PI before attempting a session with it.

A Senior Citizen's Progress

I turned 70 years in February this year.

For many years I have been interested in the concept of males enjoying the benefits of multiple orgasms and first signed up for Jack Johnson’s KSMO seminar in 2004. Unfortunately, I have never been able to practice the Key Sound conscientiously. However, I have over the years developed some skill in the practice of ‘edging’. This I am able to do more or less continuously for up to an hour. (I didn’t even know it had a name until I came across this site)! By the way, I have also, for several years been doing daily exercises of my PC muscles, and this has greatly helped recent events.

Meanwhile, a couple of months ago, during a routine checkup, my physician declared that I have a slightly enlarged prostate and described some rather unpleasant remedies for it. This drove me to do some research on the internet, and hence, I arrived at the Aneros site.

I first bought the SGX and MGX models, which received their initial use in late June. I have so far had four sessions with the SGX and about half a dozen with the MGX. Whilst I quickly found both models comfortable and that they both provided pleasant sensations, the MGX quickly became my favourite. (I have also tried the Eupho just once, but I am clearly not ready for its subtleties just yet)!

Back in the saddle again! :D

It appears my Aneros lull has ended. I had an amazing session last night! I had the most amount of pre-cum on me that I've ever seen. And I could feel my prostate swell with arousal several different times within the session. I also felt some tingly pleasure in my prostate a few times also. Rather than just around my anus and perineum. That was really nice. I think I experienced some new highs in pleasure during this session.

As to why this lull happened? Depression and personal growth are the two main things. But also I noticed that when I was last having pleasurable sensations from Aneros sensations, I think close to a month ago. I was concentrating on the completely relax approach. And what I've found out recently is that I completely stopped doing any conscious anal and PC contractions both within and outside of an Aneros session. So I recently started doing them again. And just within a few days… Boom! Pleasure again! So for me, it seems that doing the conscious contractions are important.

There was much for me to learn during my Aneros lull though. Masturbation was rare. And when I did, I had to tell myself that it is ok to have pleasure, and that I deserve it. And I had to really practice on focusing on the sensations and any erotic fantasies to allow me to be excited to ejaculate. Sound familiar? LOL Eventually as I did this more and started doing the anal and PC contractions… Sensitivity, pleasure, and desire for it returned.

Two separate practices?

So as it stands now, I feel like I have two separate but related practices going on. One is the standard Aneros session in bed using my Progasm while laying on my back with knees up. The other is sitting in my computer chair, with no Aneros inserted, while viewing or reading porn. And the interesting thing is that the effects/results are somewhat different. In both practices I do not touch my penis, unless I decide to super-T at the end. But I seem to be getting better at not allowing myself to ejaculate for longer amounts of days. My current best is 7 days.

I so far have had more pleasurable "sessions" without an Aneros in my computer chair. I get these amazing energetic sensations going up and down my torso, and the involuntary anal contractions are incredibly powerful and pleasurable feeling. I generally at some point hold a PC and anal contraction combo. Sometimes slight, sometimes hard, that really jump starts the involuntaries and pleasure. I may have just barely had a mini-O this way last week, but I'm not entirely sure. As I have nothing to really compare it against because I have not been able to experience this sensation again. I just know that it was more pleasurable than what I've experienced so far, and it seemed to have to do with the contractions and involunteries.

Recharge time

Recharge time = time between sessions for this 66 year-old Aneros freak.

I’ve been attempting to determine my ideal recharge time, here’s what I’ve come up with so far…

Two days: Definitely not enough time for me, I’ll get some nice feelings, but no super-O’s.

Five (or more) days: Now this is more like it, I can actually feel the Eupho gently massaging my prostate as I breathe, or when I subtly thrust and / or rotate my pelvis, or gently flex my PC muscles. Feelings of incredible pleasure deep within my body… super-O’s on call!

So to all you other Aneros freaks out there, if you’re not getting much out of your Aneros sessions try increasing the time between your sessions… may be just what the mistress ordered.

As always, your mileage may vary.


Update Tuesday, 6-2-09: Had an awesome session with my eupho this morning, one of those sessions in which the tiniest of PC contractions or the tiniest hip movement produced a huge amount of pleasure in my anus / rectum / prostate. And only FOUR days since the last session!

Thank you mistress Aneros!


About to explode

Things are stabilizing these weeks. Had a few days pause and now Im back, the first days I went full throtle and achieved nothing.

But yesterday I just slipped peridise and started reading some sex book and found my self floating in pleasure waves, after that, inserted the eupho and mmmm more intense even. I had to put the book down after 20minutes, couldnt read straight.

Tonight same thing, picked up some erotic book and started reading and getting turned on with the eupho inside, I didnt even get to the kinky part of the chapter before the p-waves took over, when they subsided, went to peredise and the ride continued in a different way.

I like how reading something takes my mind out of the aneros toy, and it starts taking life of its own. The problem might be with the possitions.

I lost the count of how many days Ive been on fast but my guess is about 7. I'm like going through some tantric "point of no return" practice. For those not familiar with the practice it consists on building up just before the point of no return, and chanelling the energy upwards through the midline. Its normally recomended to open the heart chakra before all others. Done right you dont really have to make PC contractions that stop the flow, although sometimes they become necesarry and some ejaculation is lost. But its not only about ejaculation, its about keeping the energy of the orgasm. Aneros P-waves and orgasms have helped me reconect with other types of pleasure sensations and releases, and this practice is becoming easier and easier. Once Ive gone through 5 or so orgasms, I no longer have the urge to cum really and my body is pulsating.