A Small Series of Sessions

I'm still alive, and I have used my aneros on a handful of occasions since my last entry. I had wanted to keep this blog up to date after every session but life has been so hectic that it's not been possible. Anyway:

After my first session, for the following couple of weeks I had been experiencing pretty intense prostate sensations while driving. I do quite a bit of driving as part of my job, around 200 miles a day sometimes. The vibrations from the car on the road were causing my prostate to feel 'hard' in the same sort of way as I mentioned in my last entry, except the feelings were much stronger. They would happen fairly regularly with around 15-20 minutes between each burst. The feeling is nice, but is quite a distraction when you're supposed to be concentrating on something else!

The following sessions I had put in were all quite short unfortunately, I simply didn't have enough time to make much of them. And on a couple of occasions I actually fell asleep through a combination of being so tired from working and being so relaxed from the session. I have questions that I took away from what I experienced though:

The first is one that I carry over from the last blog entry, which is that when I insert the aneros it really doesn't feel like it's pushing against my prostate at all, it's almost like it's not there. Can anyone confirm that this is normal? I had been expecting its presence to be a lot more noticeable.

Quick update

Had a terrific session with my Eupho last night…. Actually, now that I think about it, it was the other way around; the Eupho had its way with me. Boy, did it have its way with me!

Started out on my back, had quite a few O’s that were mainly triggered by nipple play. (Man, I love to caress my nipples, it feels sooooooo damn good)! I then rolled over on my left side, left leg nearly straight and right leg pulled up and then IT happened. Wave after wave of incredible pleasure as the Eupho fucked my ass, each time harder and deeper than the last. This probably could have gone on all night, but after about 30 minutes my perineum could no longer take the assault the Eupho’s P-tab was giving it.

The Aneros… best thing since sliced bread! Best thing since rolled toilet paper! Best thing ever!


Achievement Unlocked: Super O while lying on Stomach

So I finally figured out why I couldn't get things going well on my stomach.

Turns out I need to have my head either level or below my hips. Having a pillow under my head somehow messes with the angle of the aneros and doesn't allow for good contact with the perineum and/or the prostate.

So I raised my pelvis up on a pillow with my head on the mattress and bam Super O in no time.

I decided to remove it and just lie flat on the mattress and again Super O and a second in a 1hr session.

This has been frustrating me ever since I've had the aneros because IMO this is the best position to have a super O in because you're already prone and don't have to exert yourself to maintain a position when the twitches start coming fast and furious. Just lay there and enjoy it.

I may be spending more time in my room in the near future

A Four Hour Orgasm….

Last night getting to sleep, the walk down the steps into Hypnagogia was great fun. Have you or your partner ever broken into laughter while halfway to sleep? The lower steps were almost completely covered with brightly coloured kitsch teapots shaped like little cottage cabins. Hypnagogia itself was a riot of images, colours, interactions, flow…

Mrs. a and I had had a fun discussion in bed, but were too tired for a lengthy session and went right to sleep.

This morning we woke up and, after morning ablutions, got back into bed and were reading and talking when I suddenly got a significant and persistent energy bloom in my lower abdomen, right perineum, testicle, public bone area, and growing!!! I felt the possibility of it expanding and tried mentally to open to that, or encourage the expansion.

Sometimes when I do that the energies are not strong enough or there is some blockage, and they just dissipate away… Butt not today!

After a brief pause when I thought they had disappeared, softly and in scattered points of energetic flares they started up, all around and throughout my body, at first most clearly in the extremities, around the perimeter. In a few minutes I was in the throws of a full body, campfires everywhere, Mitochondrial Orgasm again! Hallelujah!


I purchased the Helix a couple of weeks ago and I had an opportunity to try it out. Like many people in the forum, I did not get the magical response that I was hoping for. Here is what I did.

1. Clean with a water enema
2. Injected 5cc's of lubricant in the rectum.
3. Inserted the lubricated Helix.

After the initial feeling, I felt quite comfortable. After a few minutes, I really didn't get much sensation at all. I put on some relaxing music and rolled on my side. Did the flexing of the PC muscles for 15 min or so. I tried many of the positions that I read about on some of the other blogs and still very little stimulation. I sat up "Indian style" and started to rock back and forth. I started to get a nice feeling, but I was afraid that I was applying too much pressure on the perineum by sitting on the device. I had much more internal sensations than from the external part of the device.

I guess that my biggest problem is that I have a hard time becoming or staying aroused. My penis is completely flaccid and I don't feel like there is blood rushing down there. In fact it feels like the opposite, like the device is hindering the blood flow.

Very first experiences (3 sessions)

I've experimented with anal play a bit in the past, but have never been completely satisfied with it. In the short span of a few days, the Aneros has changed my entire outlook on sexuality and linked together a number of unlikely experiences in my life that until now simply seemed odd or unexpected. I'll elaborate after first describing the past couple of days.

Based on recommendations I gleaned from the Aneros forum, I placed an order for the Helix. However, anticipation got the better of me while waiting the few days for it to arrive, so I looked up a local retailer and picked up the MGX to get some instant gratification, so to speak.

My first session was a learning experience to say the least. The MGX was comfortable, and acceptable to me given my limited past experiences. Following instructions and the advice I've been reading, I relaxed and began becoming familiar with the sensations of my new friend. I eventually began experimenting with some contractions, and it was not long before I noticed a strong yet intangible reaction when fully contracted. I could not identify anything particularly pleasurable inside, but the P-tab was definitely doing something for me. Finding the "sweet spot" for the P-tab definitely goes a long way in getting pleasure. (As an aside, I found the pressure from the MGX P-tab to be a bit severe, and ended up adding some cushion in the form of a soft cloth.)

Getting back into the swing of things

I should preface this, with a little bit of history. I got the helix about 8 months and while I had some strong intial success I felt as though I was forcing things a little and not reaching the true potential of the helix.

I had enjoyed some great mini-O's but I didn't enjoy the way I got to them. So I began experimenting and trying unsuccessfully to find a more enjoyable method. I tried a few sessions that didn't really go anywhere and I essentially gave up on it, although I continued to use it as a masturbatory aid. Hence, my lack of posting for awhile.

Well recently I decided to try again and tried putting more effort into it. Recently I have been practicing my kegels and carefully finding the optimal position (hands and knees) when using the helix. Needless to say I think I found a winning method, hence my posting, hehe.

Well, last night was the proof and the funny thing is I wasn't even sure I should try. I had a midterm the next day and wanted to get up early to study longer for it and it was already 10:30pm. My libido won out and I rationalized that I deserved it because I had studied a lot for this one and I hadn't j/o in 2 days (a rather long time for a 21 y/o).


I think I reached a Super-O, eight months after first getting into the Aneros. This was in a session Thursday night that capped off a very horny week for me.

I started off with the MGX and only a few squirts of ID Glide lube. With this session, I just wanted to guide the Aneros to a "sweet spot" and let it sit there. Boy did I ever do that! About 15-20 minutes into the session, following some wonderful p-waves, I jiggered the MGX so it was nudging the prostate. This produced a fantastic "wave" sensation emanating through my midsection. I was in a semi-sleepy state, totally relaxed. Instead of doing contractions, I just let my body lie there like a wet noodle. The only movement was very gently stroking the base of my hard penis to stimulate the "holding off a pee" muscle. Then something fantastic happened – the pleasure got deeper and deeper. I went from fantasizing to vaguely thinking "oh my god" as my heartbeat and breathing got more pronounced. The feelings got to a consistent intensity, very much unlike anything I've ever had before. Although there was a little bit of fear in the back of my mind, I was able to hold this super-o (at least I hope it was the super-o!!) for about five minutes.

My first time with the progasm

I searched high and low for some specific information (see “virgin anus vs. progasm: the duel”) on this but was unable to find exactly what I was looking for so here it is: My first encounter with the Progasm.

As an almost 6 month user and the owner of a Peridise beginners set and a Helix I was looking for a new toy. Being a rectal novice prior to my Aneros experience I was a little intimidated by the size of the Progasm – but I needed to expand my horizons so I took the chance. However, I was really looking for a detailed description of a first time successful Progasm insertion.

Mentally, I had to overcome my fear of tearing the soft tissues. After six months, am I qualified as an “Advanced User”? Or will it victimize me?

Don’t worry, everything’s OK. Here’s what I did – maybe it can help someone else down the road.

I had everything I needed and a three hour window so I began the session with the Helix. The Helix is easy stuff for me, lube the hole with Shea Butter, insert two small balls of Shea Butter and it slides right in. Great, 45 minutes of relaxed breathing.