I'm still alive, and I have used my aneros on a handful of occasions since my last entry. I had wanted to keep this blog up to date after every session but life has been so hectic that it's not been possible. Anyway:
After my first session, for the following couple of weeks I had been experiencing pretty intense prostate sensations while driving. I do quite a bit of driving as part of my job, around 200 miles a day sometimes. The vibrations from the car on the road were causing my prostate to feel 'hard' in the same sort of way as I mentioned in my last entry, except the feelings were much stronger. They would happen fairly regularly with around 15-20 minutes between each burst. The feeling is nice, but is quite a distraction when you're supposed to be concentrating on something else!
The following sessions I had put in were all quite short unfortunately, I simply didn't have enough time to make much of them. And on a couple of occasions I actually fell asleep through a combination of being so tired from working and being so relaxed from the session. I have questions that I took away from what I experienced though:
The first is one that I carry over from the last blog entry, which is that when I insert the aneros it really doesn't feel like it's pushing against my prostate at all, it's almost like it's not there. Can anyone confirm that this is normal? I had been expecting its presence to be a lot more noticeable.