Repositioning for Success

I’ve been an Aneros user for about six months and made good progress after the first couple of weeks. I’m in my 50’s, professional, active, divorced, went through a stint of online dating where I slept with a lot of very horny, willing women (I thought that only happened to younger men) before settling down with one girlfriend. Anyway, about three weeks in (a dozen sessions or so) I progressively reached the Super-O plateau. Sometimes it’s intense, lasting for a few minutes. Other times it’s less so. Sometimes I get nothing.

It depends on how much time I have and how focused I am. There seem to be a lot of variables. Mood, stress, a lot on the mind, horniness, etc.

Lately it’s been almost impossible to reach the Super-O plateau and I thought about calling it quits after nothing for six sessions. I figured I’d grown out of it. Or gotten too old.

Was I in for a surprise.

My last time I settled in for a two hour session to really work on it. I have an MGX (my favorite), a Progasm Jr. and a Eupho Syn. I use Shea Butter Oil with a personal lube launcher with a coat of vaseline on the Aneros, except for the Eupho, which is silicon. I started on my side, then my back watching some porn, in a dark room with a fan running. A little twitch here and there, but nothing else.

“A Self-Challenge: No Aneros For A Week”

I decided that I will "challenge" myself with NO Aneros sessions for the next week! This will include Peridise and any other anal 'toys'. I will be out of state for a few days and will not be able to participate in any "sessions" while away. So I am "weaning" myself off for the next few days and expect to resume early next week. I just hope I can make it!

What I am thinking is that there may be some intrinsic benefits to this "abstinence":

–give the prostate a "rest" as it has been working overtime lately!

–allow for a stronger prostate orgasm including a Super-O (I'll find this out next week!)

–give me a chance to really try some Aless to see if I can "start the engine"

–discover if there is any change in my erections/ejaculations, either for the better or worse

–see if I will get more 'horny' or less (I presume it will be less but I'll find out in the next few days!)

Wish me luck!


Birthday Aneros Session, March 30, 2016

Hi guys,

Today I am celebrating 67th birthday. I observed it in part with my first Aneros session in over two months. There are two reasons for this long hiatus between sessions. First, we had a rather cold winter, and second, lingering affects from the flu. I just feel up for sessions on cold winter mornings. I felt despondent about thrown into old age.

I decided to have a birthday nevertheless as good luck for the coming year in some many ways, especially as to my general health.

The major take away from this morning's session that after long Aneros usage, you never quite forget how so good the various models feel working away in you. I call this Aneros memory.

I used my most favorite Aneros models this morning: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

Helix Classic for a long time has been a session opener. I began my Aneros journey in early June 2012 with Helix Syn which I believe is a good introduction to anal play for guys totally unfamiliar to that experience as me. I like Helix Classic better because that model provides more direct stimulation. This morning I opened myself up to new sensations from Helix Classic and was richly rewarded.

“A Simple Fantasy”

This "ride" started out with a "warm-up" of the HIH PS-NEW for about 30 minutes. It really "milked" the prostate and got out quite a bit of prostatic fluid. This time, there was no discomfort except I couldn't take more than 30 minutes since it was fairly intense.

Since I was lubed-up already, I switched to Helix and almost immediately began to feel P-waves. I started increasing the strength and frequency of contractions, when I began to enter this "fantasy"—

My wife was in bed with me and she also is nude. She lays alongside of me and takes hold of my upper torso. She begins to caress my nipples and my pecs. It feels so good!

[This "fantasy" deepens as….]

OMG! She has inserted her finger in my well-lubed anus and she "knows" EXACTLY where my prostate is! She begins to stroke it very lightly. I can feel every stroke! She keeps this up for a while and I am beginning to experience a state of agonizing "bliss" from her stimulation.

She stops the stroking for a short while but she keeps her finger in my anus. She is "teasing" me! She is still holding on to me and I love the feeling of her warm body against mine…..Then, suddenly….

Almost there

I’ve been using the helix syn for a couple of months now and recently I’ve been getting stronger and stronger feelings down there. I’ve gone from having my nipples being useless to being alive when I’m horny, and that alone is a feat that I credit to the syn.

I’m currently at the point where the syn is moving back and forth slowly on its own – I think this is auto-fuck? How do I move on to the next stage of super-O.

For those wondering I’m using the ‘do nothing technique’ and I’m either lying on my back or to my side. Any help is much appreciated.

“Aless Orgasm: Micro-Contractions”

I didn't have time for a regular Aneros session so while I was in bed, I began to ponder the thought of achieving an "O" Aless. My prostate was not "buzzing" for over a day and I didn't think it would be possible. Boy was I wrong! Let me explain…….

I began to do some "regular" light contractions but something crossed my mind: I remember (years ago!) doing penis stim for a long time, just lightly "stroking" or "tapping" on the underside of the head, while erect. This used to go on for quite a long time and usually left me in agony with a considerable amount of precum until I 'came'. So I thought, why not with the anal contractions?

While laying on my side, I began to do 'ever-so-slight' contractions, almost like a 'whisper'. I kept this up for a while, perhaps 15 minutes or so without any feeling. At the same time, I tried to relax my mind as much as possible and "imagined" only the thought of a contraction, not a real contraction. I kept this up for a while as well.

“A New Way To The Super-O”

I have been having difficulty achieving a whole-body “Super Orgasm” in my Aneros sessions and it felt like I hit a “brick wall” in my progress. I have the Eupho and I like it, but so far, I have been unable to progress to anything resembling a Super-O!

I was intrigued when I found out about a “new” technique to help guys like me achieve this important milestone. It involves a combination of relaxation meds and hypnotic orgasmic suggestion. The best part of this is that it is FREE! Apparently, this technique is in the “trial” stage and volunteers were needed to “validate” the process!

This special “session” was to be held in a local “clinic” not far from where I live. I made arrangement to participate. I was to be prepared to spend the night and to bring my favorite Aneros model and some lube. I like my Eupho so I brought it along with Boy Butter.

I showed-up on a Saturday night about 8PM. This was to be an “overnight” session. There were about three other guys there also participating but I didn’t know any of them. We all met in a “conference room” beforehand and the “moderator” explained to us how this “session” was going to work. We would go to one of the clinics’ “private rooms” (which were set-up like small bedrooms each with a bed, table, light). We were to get relaxed (I generally do my Aneros sessions in the nude), and insert the Aneros as we normally do.

First Ride: HIH PS-NEW

I decided to buy the HIH PS-NEW and gave it a "ride". First off, the PS-NEW is the "original" prostate stimulator and was designed as a therapeutic "medical device". It is recommended for men 5 ft 11 inches and over. Since I am 6 ft 3 in, I am 'qualified'. Let me say that it lives up to it's reputation!

I lubed myself up with Wet Platinum and the HIH with a generous helping of Boy Butter. One thing I notice right off is that the P-tab on this original design is further toward the testicles than the other Aneros products. Not sure if this will have any bearing on the resulting ride, I'll find out soon.

The PS-NEW has a distinct "head" and has been designed with two "nodules" or protrusions on the top of the head. These are designed to provide more direct pressure on the prostate and the seminal vesicles.

The PS-NEW inserted much like most other Aneros stimulators. It felt 'longer' going in. The 'ribbed' bottom felt different but once in use, it didn't seem to be too bothersome. The P-tab location definitely felt 'different' that usual. It lies further back towards the testicles.

Now here comes the actual "ride" sensation……

First-off, I experienced an IMMEDIATE erection with the PS-NEW. The instructions say to wait about 15 minutes before doing any contractions, and it is recommended to perform 30 contractions. Session "lengths" are recommended to be 30-45 minutes including relaxation. Recommended frequency is 2-3 times per week.

Some Reflection On The Super-Orgasm

I thought this would be a good time to stop and reflect on the Super-O as it is called. I already have experienced quite a few of these. Although no two have been exactly the same, there are some similarities.

First off, the Super-O is similar to the normal penile ejaculation only for a few seconds. Since it is a "dry-orgasm" for the most part, there is no refractory period. Thus, it is possible to have multiple sequential prostate orgasms in one "session" and I in fact have had probably up to ten at a time.

What happens during a Super-O? That is really a mystery of my body, since no two have been exactly the same. I have experienced at one time or another: involuntary muscle contractions, whole-body shaking and movement, uncontrollable erections, total body paralysis (a little scary), out-of-body experience, complete memory loss (or fog), flashing colors, uncontrollable emotions such as crying, extreme warmth of body, foggy vision, 'phantom' ejaculate discharge, and probably a few things which I experienced but did not remember clearly.

During a recent Super-O, I distinctly felt the pleasurable interaction between the stimulator contact with the prostate and the P-tab. These two pleasurable "feelings" set-up a feedback loop that continued to build into the Super-O.

Waves Of Pleasure

I had just returned to bed after my usual early morning rise. I was trying to get some more rest. As I was lying there, I felt one distinct "twang" deep in my lower abdomen (I think I have felt this before just before a Super-O). Perhaps it was my prostate, I thought? I decided to do just some voluntary anal contractions as I tried to drift off to sleep.

As I kept doing these light contractions, I began to drift-off into a deep, relaxing thought……what if I can achieve a Super-O right here, right now. But after all, I had not had an Aneros session in over 2 days now. It probably was not possible. Anyway, I continued to do the light contractions when the most amazing thing happened…….

OMG! I am beginning to feel the beginnings of a prostate-induced orgasm! I began to feel it build, ever so slowly, but it distinctly was building. I had the urge to put a few fingers of my left hand back near my anus. Much to my surprise, the anal contractions now were "automatic"! I could feel the "pulsing" going on as the orgasmic feeling continued to build…..and build…..I realized that I could not stop it!

I I am now in the middle of a whole-body Super-O! I am starting to shake and convulse on the bed (Aless!!) I exhale a slight "moan" now with every breath. I feel an orgasmic "bliss".