“A Significant Session”

This session was significant for two reasons.

First off, I started out this session with a significant amount of MOANING. I remember that moaning for me during sessions is rare. And it continued right until the end of this session! I actually could have moaned quite loudly, but circumstances did not allow it. I usually had to "muffle" my moans during this session. I really wanted to scream out. It felt that good!

It didn't take but 10 minutes before I had about three Dry-O's in quick succession.

These were eventually followed by at least SIX Super-O's that came one after another — right on cue! Each one was accompanied by whole body contortions, and each one was stronger than the last. Several were accompanied by whole body shakes. One distinct one had powerful abdominal contractions (I counted about six to eight). These Super-O's came one right after another and it felt like I could "direct" them to happen at will with only very light contractions. It felt so good! During one of the later ones, I distinctly felt the prostate "pumping" up with semen. Following about the sixth one, I felt that that was enough of the Super-O's and ended this ride. (Interesting to note but I did not have any other "experiences" that accompanied these Super-O's). Also, no euphoric feeling (so far).

Aneros: One Month In- – What Have I Learned?

Having experienced Aneros for little over a month now, I feel it is time to "explore" all that I have learned thus far. It is an extensive list!

The Male Body:
Our bodies are truly incredible! Besides the "necessary" functions of heart, lungs, eyes, brain, etc. to keep us alive, there is this "optional" pleasure function….sex! I have learned that sex is that mysterious "organ" that pervades our lives in numerous ways. As males, we are "enrobed" in the sexual experience: hardly a moment goes by in our lives that we are not thinking about it nor acting upon it. How many times have I masturbated? I couldn't even hazard a guess! Did it feel good? You must be kidding! There is no feeling on earth that compares to ejaculation (right guys?). At least, I haven't found one yet! Add in the pleasurable feelings of the aroused prostate (and rectum and anus) and related orgasms and….well, you get the picture!

The Aneros Experience:
With the advent of Aneros and prostate stimulation, I have become to realize that the prostate gland is the "master sex gland" of the male body and is responsible for so many things "sexual": erection, testicle and perineum stimulation, nipple arousal. I have found that by Aneros' stimulating the prostate, besides the obvious ejaculatory response (numerous times!) there is this "deliciously" sexual feeling inside my body that is hard to put into words ("buzzing prostate" for example). I can "feel" more alive (in a sexual way). This is how I was created and I love it!

Multiple Whole Body Super Orgasms! (The Ride Of My Life!)

This was my "second ride" with the Eupho. Believe me, I never expected this!

Let me explain…..

I like the feelings I get from Eupho. Very subtle, not too direct and the sensations vary with the frequency and strength of the contractions. I was progressing with this session quite well but not expecting very much since it was only my second "ride" with the Eupho. I had been in this session and feeling great pleasure waves (and I was lightly moaning throughout which is unusual for me) for about an hour with only slightly orgasmic sensations. I expected nothing more from this session and thought about ending it.

Then, I remember the next events quite vividly: as I was about to stop the contractions, I felt them building up to a more regular cadence, almost involuntarily. The orgasmic sensations continued to build and build. I suddenly remember becoming rock-hard in only about 5 to 10 seconds. Around the same time, the next thing I remember was starting to experience some involuntary and powerful muscle contractions (but not shaking), first with my lower legs, then my mid-torso, then my shoulders, then my arms, and then my head, until my entire body was experiencing an involuntary "spasm" which I could not stop. I remember "contorting" on the bed like a "slinky"! I believe that this went on for at least several minutes. I did not experience any "memory lapse" or coma-like altered state like I did during my first Super-O. This one was quite different. I don't remember any moaning at this time.

“Eupho – First Ride”

I ordered the Eupho and was eagerly anticipating my first ride. Here it is….

When I first looked at the Eupho, I noticed that although it is about the same length as the Helix which I already have, it has a smaller diameter at the tip (head). My first impression was that this stimulator could not be nearly as powerful as the Helix with which I already have experienced a Super-O! Was I wrong!

Let me explain….

The Eupho goes in just like the Helix. Once in, I did not really notice anything different. However, after about a 10 minutes relaxation period, I started to do some light anal contractions. What I noticed immediately is that there is more movement possible with the Eupho than with the Helix. Also, since the head is smaller, the Eupho "massages" only portions of the prostate at a time. By performing stronger contractions (and even reverse kegels RKs), you stimulate dirrerent parts of the prostate. You can "jump" the Eupho around on the prostate just by varying your contraction technique and get different sensations with every part stimulated. In this way, you are "teasing" the prostate, I feel, and although the feeling may not be initially as robust as that of the Progasm Jr. or even the Helix, it is as if the prostate were slowly being "teased" into an orgasm.

“Who Needs An Aneros?” (My Secret Rides)

Usually following a regular Aneros session, for up to at least several hours later, I have found that whenever my prostate is "buzzing", by performing anal contractions, I can bring myself to an orgasm either sitting in a chair, lying in bed or even standing! This makes for some unusual "rides" to say the least!

When I start the contractions, the light "buzzing" becomes more noticeable in the prostate, and I start feeling a slight ache in the lower abdomen. I usually start to increase the contractions as well at the rate of contractions.

As things start to build, I usually can't help but moan a little (this is impossible though in a public situation). If I am out in public, then, this is about as far as I can go without embarrassment. However, If I am at home or in a more private place, I can continue with the strong contractions. This will bring on a good deal of moaning, more intense lower abdominal ache and the very strong continuous contractions of an orgasm with which I am very familiar. I may also have some involuntary whole body shakes as well. Since there is no ejaculation, I can continue the orgasm for as long as I want it. I have not progressed yet to a super orgasm (this may be impossible depending on the location) although I feel that it is possible. That would truly be mind-blowing!

Progasm and small build

After reading about all the dry orgasm/super-o , I ordered a progasm myself as i’m not new to anal stuff.

I’m not sure if due to my small build 5″5 that i’m unable to keep the progasm fully inserted / keeping the k tab pressing against me. I felt good sensations and occasionally I will have 1 (ONE) strong semi voluntary and some involuntary that suck the progasm really in and then that’s it….most of the time it just didn’t go far enough to press the k tab against me.

Also a quick google showed images of how smaller aneros is fitted within the ass and various google searches yielded sites that say the prostate is 2-3inch inside. (Just google image search aneros prostate)

So question is if the progasm has 4.2 inch insertable, wouldn’t it be too long and instead of pressing against my prostate, the head will be pressing against some other parts?

Kegel School! – Part 2

Goldenboy (GB) finds himself back in "Kegel School". He remembers that that the teacher (T) wanted him to learn a new exercise that would be very exciting and mind-blowing. He didn't know what it was but he was excited to find out!

(T) Hello Goldenboy!
(GB) Hello!
(T) I'm glad you came back today. I have a new exercise I want to teach you today. I think you'll like it and will make much progress by the end of this session.
(GB) How long will this session be? (He remember the last session with this teacher)
(T) It's all up to you!

(T) Okay…let's get started.
(T) Now I want to tell you that for this exercise, we will be using a prostate stimulator that is larger than the one you usually use ((it is the Progasm Jr. and not the Helix)). I hear that you don't want to try it due to it's size. Is that true?
(GB) Who told you that?
(T) It doesn't matter. It that true?
(GB) Yes it is.
(T) Okay. Here's what we are going to do. I'll get you lubed up and prepare the new stimulator and you will get ready for the new exercise. Okay?
(GB) Yes, I'm ready.

[Goldenboy sees the lubricated stimulator)
(GB) OMG!, are you sure that will fit in me?
(T) Yes, don't worry!
(T) Now roll over on your side and relax.
(GB) Okay.

First Super-O Ride!

First Super-O ride! As I type this, I still feel a little weak (hard to type) and am still tingling all over from the experience…

Let me explain how I came to this point…

[This "ride" became another fantasy in my head
and it seemed very real]

Here it is:

I went to the doctor's office for my annual checkup which included a digital rectal examination. When my turn came, I went in to change in to the exam gown and proceeded to lie down on the examination table. The next person I saw was the nurse not the doctor as it always had been in the past. She told me that there is a new prostate exam process that will prepare the prostate for a "better" exam by the doctor in a little while and would I be okay to try it? Will it hurt? I asked. No, not at all, she said. In fact, I think you will fine it very pleasurable!

Okay, I said. I'm willing to try It!

OMG! After-Effects are driving me crazy!

First time poster here.
I purchased my first aneros (helix syn) about a week ago and have been using it every day since, sometimes several times a day. While each and every session was pleasurable in and of itself, i started feeling the most intense pleasure after a couple of sessions. I don’t know if i have reached the Super-O yet but i have definitely experienced what i think are dry orgasms that generally last a few seconds but never over a minute (yet).

However, i discovered that i am getting the most pleasure after my sessions (the same day and the day after). I feel my prostate throbbing and a tingly feeling runs all over my body (especially when sitting down). If i concentrate and do some light contractions the feeling gets so intense to the point where i start to shiver. I have never felt anything like this before. It’s as if the my prostate has been awakened by the aneros and it is now inducing pleasure uncontrollably and on it’s own. It’s kind of addicting and sometimes makes me completely unproductive for hours (i’m supposed to be studying today but haven’t been able to since my session this morning). I think i am actually enjoying these after effects more than the sessions themselves.

pretty sure it just happened


so this was my last post 2 months ago. going by what was described reading about it, it feels exactly like a wave. I wouldn’t say its like an traditonal orgasm imo it feels different and I wouldn’t say its overly crazy where I would just lose it. I would describe it as my brain blinking on top of the wave metaphor.

as to how I got there I would had tried many things from listening to binaural hands free audio as mentioned here. watching videos and stimulating nipples. my relaxed position would be sitting up against a pillow with legs bent. both of these while feel good didn’t quite push me over.

my last session would be my 7th day abstaining from masturbating. I did the usual but I took a few breaks from watching porn and just rested with legs splayed out flat. I kept the audio going, and I found after awhile what triggered something was thinking about something totally unrelated. like shopping online or imagining walking through somewhere. I was able to replicate this maybe 3 – 4 times lasting a minute on average, I’m thinking maybe if I keep at it something further would happen. anyway I got tired and just took a rest, overall it took me maybe 3-4 hours.

I’m not sure if its a mini-o maybe? are mini-o’s similar to a super-o just on a smaller scale?